From obs: 5/9/21: "Yesterday... While traversing... along the north ridge of 10602 [near Beehive], we triggered a small wind slab that carried down into Peruvian, which then released another small wind slab on a northeast aspect of the face (photo). The crown height of this wind slab was measured at 60cm at it's deepest point, and approximately 30ft wide by 10ft long. Looking down into the face of Peruvian, we observed a natural dry loose slide that released from the ridge. We observed an increase in wind speed throughout the morning, and a shift in wind direction from west to southwest in the early morning moving to west to north west by the late morning. The combination of variable and high winds with the amount of new snow available for transport created a noticeable increase in the hazard of wind slabs on all aspects we observed during the morning..." Photo: E. Schreier