Fresh Wind Slab Avalanche
On a cold day we rode to Frazier Basin and quickly answered the question, “Are wind slab avalanches still possible or have they stabilized?” We saw a natural avalanche (R2, D1.5) that released on a steep headwall just to the south (I believe I’ve heard this referred to as October Bowl).
Wind has affected most of the snow above forested terrain in some fashion. While most soft snow has already been redistributed, some transport continued. We looked at skiing Thing Two but the wind slab problem and poor skiing quality deterred us. I did dig a pit with an ECTP11 breaking 5” down below the slab. Surfaces had hardened and I suspect terrain would have to be pretty steep for an avalanche to release (this type of steep terrain is abundant in Frazier).
We departed Frazier area without skiing and went to look at lower elevation terrain above the Carroll Creek Road. The wind had gotten to the snow here as well but no signs of instability and an ECTN15 18” deep. Triggering an avalanche outside of wind loaded terrain is unlikely.